
Pilates is about your back body! Join us to find those muscles and use them throughout the mat class. This is a slow paced intermediate class.

Transition with the Hundred
In Classical Pilates, the transitions between the exercises area also exercises! In this class, we will “melt’ or move into the hundred as our transition between every exercise. Could every exercise in Pilates be a variation of the hundred? Let me know what you think!

Mobilty Mat with the Towel
The towel is a great tool to enhance the stretch in a pilates workout. Join us for a steady workout that enhances the connection between the upper body to the lower and focuses on mobility.

Handweights Challenge
Even 2 lb weights are a challenge in this Intermediate mat with some twists and challenges!

Handweights Challenge
Even 2 lb weights are a challenge in this Intermediate mat with some twists and challenges!

Squat Muscle Magic
Squats are great exercises to work your lower body muscles. We are working on strengthening those muscles in our magic crcle class today!

Pilates is about your back body! Join us to find those muscles and use them throughout the mat class. This is a slow paced intermediate class.

Moving Beyond Beginner.mp4
Finished with your Back to Basics/ Foundational mat class? This is the perfect next step mat class. We review the foundational exercises and add a few more moving us forward in our practice.

Pilates is about your back body! Join us to find those muscles and use them throughout the mat class. This is a slow paced intermediate class.

Transition with the Hundred
In Classical Pilates, the transitions between the exercises area also exercises! In this class, we will “melt’ or move into the hundred as our transition between every exercise. Could every exercise in Pilates be a variation of the hundred? Let me know what you think!

What the Wall Can Teach Us (Int)
The whole reason we do Pilates is so we can do what we love in the world! And much of that is upright! So let’s start and end of the wall and apply the wall to a strong intermediate mat class.

Front Body Stretch – Strong Intermediate
Need some extension in your life? Try this strong intermediate medium paced mat to open up your front body. Its a great choice before or after a day working on your computer!

Moving Beyond Beginner.mp4
Finished with your Back to Basics/ Foundational mat class? This is the perfect next step mat class. We review the foundational exercises and add a few more moving us forward in our practice.

Stable Spine .mp4
This is a great option for anyone who wants to avoid forward bending for medical or other reasons. We will keep the spine long for the entire mat, but don’t confuse that with easy. its a great challenging workout that will work your upper back and abs!

Hip flexor quick stretch
What you need to know for a quick and effective hip flexor stretch.