
Pilates is about your back body! Join us to find those muscles and use them throughout the mat class. This is a slow paced intermediate class.

Mobilty Mat with the Towel

The towel is a great tool to enhance the stretch in a pilates workout. Join us for a steady workout that enhances the connection between the upper body to the lower and focuses on mobility.


Pilates is about your back body! Join us to find those muscles and use them throughout the mat class. This is a slow paced intermediate class.

Three posture exercises

Good posture isn’t just about aesthetics – it can have a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being. Here are three quick Pilates- based exercises you can do to work on yours. Here’s a video of all three here, too!

Arm Weight Connections (Int/Adv)

Using arm weights to strengthen the arm movements in each of the foundational and intermediate exercises. The weights are light (2lbs) but don’t underestimate their impact!

Twisted Towel (Int/Adv)

Taking the towel to the next step! We add some more advanced exercises here and use the towel to engage our backs and enhance our twists and side bends.