Advanced Classical Mat

Buckle your seatbelt! We do many of Joe’s advanced mat exercises here. If you’re looking for a challenging workout, this is it. PLEASE, as always, only do what works for you physically. If you need to use a different variation for an exercise, please do so or leave it out.

Arm Weight Connections (Int/Adv)

Using arm weights to strengthen the arm movements in each of the foundational and intermediate exercises. The weights are light (2lbs) but don’t underestimate their impact!

Worth the Weight (Advanced)

Join us for a challenging workout that’s worth every drop of sweat, IMO, of course! Weight training/ resistance exercises has been found to be a terrific form of exercise that helps all aspects of sleep. In a recent study, it’s been found to be superior to cardio exercise alone OR and combination of cardio and resistance training. So grab your mat for body weight AND light weight training with me!

Twisted Towel (Int/Adv)

Taking the towel to the next step! We add some more advanced exercises here and use the towel to engage our backs and enhance our twists and side bends.